Can You Install New Shingles Over Old Shingles

When it comes to replacing a roof, homeowners want to know what their options are. One question that many roofing professionals face is whether new shingles can be installed over old ones. The answer is yes, it's possible. However, there are certain factors that need to be taken into account before making a decision.

First and foremost, it's important to understand local building codes. In most areas, the code won't allow for more than two layers of roofing on a home. If the home already has two layers, then a complete tear-off is necessary. If there is only one existing layer, the roof may be a suitable candidate for a second layer. The condition of the existing roof is also a crucial factor. If the shingles are weathered, warped, or curling, they aren't ideal for a shingle-over-shingle installation. New shingles require a smooth surface for proper installation and performance.

Another consideration is whether the homeowner is replacing the roof because of extensive leaking. If this is the case, putting new shingles over the existing ones may not be wise. Water damage to the deck or mold issues might be left untreated if they remain hidden under the existing roof.

While a shingle-over-shingle installation can be appealing to homeowners due to lower costs and faster installation time, it's important they understand the potential risks. A roofing system is composed of many parts that work together to provide protection for their home. Many homeowners think of a roof as only what they can visibly see—the shingles. GAF brochures can help with the education process. For example, the GAF Timberline HDZ® brochure includes diagrams that identify each layer of the roofing system, which can help homeowners understand how each one is necessary to achieve a roof's peak performance.

A total replacement offers several advantages. A tear-off allows the contractor to inspect the wood deck's condition and determine if repairs or new OSB board are needed for optimal structural soundness. Tearing off the roof's old layers can help ensure the new system has a solid, smooth surface for optimal performance. A total replacement also allows an adequate leak barrier to be installed in critical areas, including rakes, eaves, valleys, hips, and around penetrations.

At Exterior Home Solutions LLC, located in Richmond VA, we understand the importance of making an informed decision when it comes to residential roofing services. We offer a complete range of roofing solutions to meet each customer's unique needs and budget. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to delivering the highest quality workmanship and customer service. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our residential roofing services.